Oracle JET: Bookmark a secured pages

Problem Description: Oracle JET allows us to create SinglePage application (SPA). It changes url when we navigate between pages. What if application is secured application and pages require login to visit. In such case if we book mark a page and later try to launch it, application should verify if user is already logged in, If not redirect user to login page and once logged in user should be shown same page, which he has requested. In this blog we are trying to achieve it.

Also if user has directly started from login page then if login is successful we need to take him to default page mentioned in router configuration.


 To implement this we need to achieve following flow

Here are the steps to achieve above flow

1. User can either launch login page or a secured page (say Page-X). If user launches login page, we can directly show him login page, but if he launches Page-X, we need to verify if user is already logged in.To verify if user has already logged in depends on server side logic.

   Here in this blog I assume there is a REST service available, which returns profile of logged in user (myprofile service). we will call this service, without passing any Authorization header. In such case browser will pass SESSIONID from cookie if user is already logged in. If not logged in then we will get 401 from server. If we get error from server, we can redirect user to login page, but we will add current url in login page url additionally, so that we can use it later to redirect user back to Page-X. Here is the common code checkIfLoginDone function written in appcontroller.js

     function ControllerViewModel() {


          xhrFields: {

            withCredentials: true



        var self = this;


        self.serviceContextRoot = '/myapp';

        self.serviceInitialURL = self.baseURL + self.serviceContextRoot + '/resources';

        self.router = oj.Router.rootInstance;

        self.checkIfLoginDone = function checkIfLoginDone(){

          console.log('starting login check');


          var promise = $.ajax({

             type: "GET",

             url: self.serviceInitialURL+ "/v1/myprofile",

             contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

             crossDomain: true,

             dataType: "json"});


            promise.then(function(response) {



              }, function(error) {

                 // error handler

                 var currenturl = window.location.pathname + ;

                window.location.href = '/?root=login&origurl='+currenturl;


            return promise;




In above code if we get error from server, we will be redirecting user to login page and add url of secured page as a parameter origurl. Login page url will appear like


[Assuming that login will be router state for login page]

2. To perform login check we can it checkIfLoginDone from all secured pages's ViewModel as

define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'appController'],

 function(oj, ko, $, app) {

      self.handleActivated = function(info) {

        // Implement if needed

        return app.checkIfLoginDone();


3. Create a login page: For this you can follow below steps

      a. Create login.html in js/views directory. Content could be


      <div class="oj-hybrid-padding">

        <h1>Login Content Area</h1>

          <div id="sampleDemo" style="" class="demo-container">

            <div id="componentDemoContent" style="width: 1px; min-width: 100%;">

              <div id="form-container" class="oj-form-layout">

                <div class="oj-form">

                  <div class="oj-flex">  

                    <div class="oj-flex-item">

                      <oj-label show-required for="username">User Name</oj-label>

                      <oj-input-text id="username" required value="{{username}}"></oj-input-text>



                  <div class="oj-flex">  

                    <div class="oj-flex-item">

                      <oj-label for="password" show-required>Passward</oj-label>

                      <oj-input-password id="password" required value="{{password}}"></oj-input-password>




                <oj-button id='submit' on-click='[[doLogin]]'>Login</oj-button>






In above page, we have created two fields username/password and a button Login.

Username and password are bound to ViewModel and Login button click calls doLogin method of ViewModel

    b. Create login.js as a ViewModel in js/viewModels directory. Its code would be

define(['ojs/ojcore', 'knockout', 'jquery', 'appController','ojs/ojknockout','ojs/ojlabel','ojs/ojinputtext', 'ojs/ojcheckboxset'],

 function(oj, ko, $, app) {


    function LoginViewModel() {

      var self = this;

      function param(name) {

            return ( + '=')[1] || '').split('&')[0];


      self.username = ko.observable("");

      self.password = ko.observable("");

      self.doLogin = function doLogin(event){

        $("body").css("cursor", "wait");

       //do server login here

       var string = self.username() + ':' + self.password();

      var encodedString = 'Basic ' + btoa(string);


      var promise = $.ajax({

              type: "POST",

              url: app.serviceInitialURL + '/v1/auth/login',

              contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

              headers: {

                   "Content-Type": "text/plain",

                    "Authorization": encodedString


              crossDomain: true,

              dataType: "json"});



              var origurl = param('origurl');


                window.location.href = origurl;





              $("body").css("cursor", "default");

         }, function(response){

             //write logic here to show error message to end user.

         }) ;   


      // Header Config

      self.headerConfig = {'viewName': 'header', 'viewModelFactory': app.getHeaderModel()};



    return new LoginViewModel();



Important piece of above code is 

    i. username/password created as ko observable.

   ii. username password is used to create base 64 encoded authorization string

  iii. server side login using $.ajax POST request

   iv. If login is success then verify if there is any url parameter as origurl present. Navigate to the location whereever origurl points to. If not specified then get default page from router and navigate there. 

c. register login page in router configuration


          'login': {label: 'Login'},

         'dashboard': {label: 'Dashboard', isDefault: true},

         'incidents': {label: 'Incidents'},

         'customers': {label: 'Customers'},

         'profile': {label: 'Profile'},

         'about': {label: 'About'}


4. Finally we need a logout button. We can keep it in header.html

<div class="oj-flex-bar-end">

    <oj-button id='button1' on-click="[[logout]]">Logout</oj-button>


logout implementation is written in appcontroller.js by changing getHeaderModel method.

 self.logout = function(event){


                 type: "GET",

                 url: self.serviceInitialURL+ "/v1/auth/logout",

                 contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",

                 crossDomain: true,

                 dataType: "json",

                 success: function (data, status, jqXHR) {



                 error: function (jqXHR, status) {

                     // error handler





 self.getHeaderModel = function() {

          var headerFactory = {

            createViewModel: function(params, valueAccessor) {

              var model =  {

                pageTitle: self.router.currentState().label,

                handleBindingsApplied: function(info) {

                  // Adjust content padding after header bindings have been applied



                toggleDrawer: self.toggleDrawer,

                logout: self.logout


              return Promise.resolve(model);



          return headerFactory;


Above logout method calls server side logout and then redirect user to login page.

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